cpx24.net is scam or legit in 2024 full reviews

CPX24.net is a digital advertising platform that connects advertisers with publishers (website owners or bloggers) to display ads on their online properties.

Publishers typically integrate ad code provided by CPX24.net into their websites or blogs to display ads, and they earn revenue based on factors such as ad impressions, clicks, or conversions.

However, it seems that there have been reported issues with CPX24.net, such as the presence of malware in ad code and issues with payment processing, leading to warnings and concerns among users.

Here's the top 5 reason why you should avoid using cpx24.net on your website or blog in 2024

1. The site no longer accepts new publishers, so if you're planning to create a new account, you're out of luck.

2. The ad code contains malware that can annoy visitors by redirecting them to scam or virus-infected sites, sometimes resulting in automatic file downloads.

3. Your website or blog may receive a warning message from Google stating "Deceptive Website Ahead" due to the suspicious activities associated with cpx24.net.

4. cpx24.net may stop paying altogether, leaving your payment requests pending for up to 30 days before disappearing.

5. There's no customer support available, and no information provided on how to contact the owner or support team or submit any tickets.

In conclusion, it's best to steer clear of cpx24.net to avoid wasting your time and potentially putting your website or blog at risk.

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